We have invited Wise Women from all over the world to join us. They have decades of personal exploration and experience in their fields. As their knowledge is deeply embodied, they all have the ability to guide you into the depth of the teachings. Our teachers are beautiful souls with big hearts that yearn to share their magic with the world.

Vicki Noble, MA

Radical feminist healer, author, independent scholar and wisdom teacher

Born in 1947 and raised in Iowa, she awakened to the Goddess and Women's Spirituality on her arrival in Berkeley, CA in 1976. Through a shamanic healing crisis, she opened psychically to the healing, art, yoga and divination processes that led to the co-creation of the Motherpeace tarot images.

Since then she has written numerous books, including Motherpeace (1983), Shakti Woman (1991), Ritual and Practices with the Motherpeace Tarot (1998/2003), and the Double Goddess (2003). With Miriam Robbins Dexter, she recently co-edited an anthology, Foremothers of the Women's Spirituality Movement: Elders and Visionaries (2015).

Vicki has developed a powerful public ritual healing process, in which participants perform hands-on healing in the context of drumming and chanting.

"I commend Vicki Noble to any person interested in healing the deep spiritual as well as ecological wounds of our time. It is important to heal ourselves and our earth through the connection to the ancient but ever-present shamanic forces. Vicki Noble’s dedication to this cause teaches that the healing power of the Goddess is within ourselves. She offers us hope."

- Marija Gimbutas, May 5, 1990

She teaches and lectures internationally, and has led tours of women on pilgrimage to sacred Goddess sites around the world. She taught for two decades in Women's Spirituality Masters Programs at CIIS and New College in San Francisco, and finally at ITP/Sophia University in Palo Alto,CA.

Since 2006, much of her time has been spent teaching regularly in Italy, where most of her books have been published in Italian and she has developed a following of women who study and practice her adapted Tibetan Buddist Dakini practices.

Vicki is a professional astrologer with a focus on Goddess archetypes and healing for individuals or couples. In her readings (on phone, zoom, or in person) she utilizes natal, transit, and progressed charts.

As a mentor to women, Vicki facilitates private tutorials in Santa Cruz, California, for those interested in teachings and practices of Goddess spirituality, Motherpeace Certification, Matriarchal Studies, and Female Empowerment. Since 2001, she has adapted and customized Tibetan Buddhist Dakini practices for her students of Goddess spirituality, who come for three to five days of intensive one-on-one learning.

Vicki lives in Santa Cruz near her daughters (Robyn and Brooke) and son Aaron (the subject of her 1994 book, Down is Up for Aaron Eagle), plus three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. When she isn't working or babysitting, she watches whales in the Monterey Bay, gardens, and keeps bees.

To guide you on this journey, WWW launched Ancient Wisdom to Heal our Modern time where Vicki Noble synthesizes and brings forward the evidence-based theories and interdisciplinary concepts of Marija Gimbutas into the present day, examining their relevance for us at this moment in the face of the existential crisis in which we find ourselves.

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about Vicki
Sign Up for Ancient Wisdom to
Heal our Modern Time

DeAnna L'am

Fondly known as ‘Womb Visionary’, DeAnna helps women love themselves unconditionally

A pioneer in Menstrual Empowerment DeAnna has been teaching internationally since the early 1990s. She has been on the leading edge of the global Red Tent Movement from its birth and has trained women to hold Red Tents in over 30 countries.

Born in Romania, raised in Israel, and trained in the U.K. and U.S.A. (where she lives) DeAnna brings cross-cultural flavors and insights to her original work, developed over three decades. She teaches women of all ages how to harness their cyclicity as a source of inner guidance and renewal, and helps women move from self-judgment to full self-acceptance. 

“What I have gained is more valuable then I can put in words. The healing I received is subtle, profound and powerful beyond measure. The quality of my life has changed. I am comfortable in my body. I have greater love and respect for myself, I have made peace with my past and my relationships have improved.”

- Monet Brooks, Spiritual Teacher, Medical Intuitive

As an emissary of inner and outer peace, DeAnna brought Menstrual Empowerment work to her country of origin, Israel, helping Jewish and Palestinian women surpass political and religious differences by deeply bonding around their shared Cyclical nature.

She is author of 'Becoming Peers - Mentoring Girls Into Womanhood', and 'A Diva’s Guide to Getting Your Period'. Founder of Red Moon School of Empowerment for Women & Girls; Red Tent Academy; Womb Academy; Red Tents In Every Neighborhood - Global Network; and International Red Tent Day (celebrated globally on November 8)

Join this life-altering journey with the wise woman and priestess DeAnna L'am who invites you to discover depths of Spiritual Resources, Renewal, and Change through the creation of a Ceremonial Daily Life.

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about DeAnna
Watch the Replay of
Living a Life of Ceremony

Brooke Medicine Eagle

Legendary indigenous Earthkeeper, wisdom teacher, women's mysteries carrier, healing and shamanic practitioner, visionary, singer/songwriter, ceremonialist, sacred ecologist and catalyst for wholeness

She is the  author of the American literary classic, Buffalo Woman Comes Singing, and The Last Ghost Dance. Her music recordings, teachings, writings, and wilderness spiritual retreats have touched the hearts and minds of people world-wide. 

 "Brooke has guided me on the beautiful path of Love and respect for the Earth and my femininity, I was really touched by her beauty and strength playing her drum and singing. Her face is always present in my mind when I play my drum and call all my sisters and all my brothers around the world to make circles of Love. I recognize Brooke as a wise and spiritual woman and feel we are sisters."

- Marie

Her current focus is on health and empowerment for women. Decades ago, she brought forward ancient, indigenous traditional ways of moon time and women’s mysteries; and continues to feel strongly about the importance of moon time practice for women’s health, spirit, leadership, and service to the world. Her work with White Buffalo Woman gives foundation to the power and magic of the Feminine. Her offerings on the ancient brain are remarkably empowering and supportive of your well-being. 

She will continue to travel internationally to support the birthing of a new human paradigm of peace, harmony, and sustainable living ~ enjoying the experience of being a Gaian citizen. 

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about Brooke
Sign up for Living White Buffalo Woman's Wisdom Waitlist

Marlise Wabun Wind

An Author, a Counselor, a Lecturer, a Ceremonialist, a Wisdom Keeper, a Wife and a Mother


Marlise Wabun Wind has been privileged to take a true “heroine’s journey” stepping out of the culture into which she was born to experience life from an entirely different worldview.

After receiving a master’s degree from the Columbia University School of Journalism she was a New York writer, working on understanding and changing her societal conditioning through spiritual and emotional searching.

In 1970 she met Sun Bear, a Native American teacher and visionary. For 24 years she was Sun Bear’s “servant of the medicine”. She wrote, travelled and taught with Sun Bear and helped him found a community of people of all races and backgrounds. 

 "I would like to warn the casual reader of Woman Of The Dawn, this book will reach inside you and speak to your own visions.  Her courage and honesty will challenge you.”

- Lilias Folan (speaking about one of Marlise’s books)

She directed Bear Tribe Publishing, edited magazines, became a practitioner of Bach remedies, learned about herbs, read about mythology, and began to teach about female energy. In those years she met elders and teachers from all parts of the world.

She moved away from the community to devote more time to writing, although she continued to work with Sun Bear as a spiritual partner and co-author until his death in 1993. 

Marlise Wabun has lectured extensively about her cross-cultural experiences, women’s roles in various cultures, more humane systems of childbirth and childcare, comparative religions in their historical perspective, and about numerous other topics related to the earth, alternative living, and spirituality.

She began developing women’s circles in 1973 and began teaching her ideas about how we went from the worldwide peaceful, child and woman-loving matriarchal culture to the patriarchy that is predominant in the world now.

In the past few years, a number of her books have been published in Mandarin and in French, and she has taught a wide variety of courses, both in person and online, to a wonderful, growing group of younger people.

Learn More
about Marlise
Watch the Replay:
Women of the Dawn Webinar
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Understanding the Earth Changes Webinar
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Black Dawn Bright Day