A Free Webinar with Vicki Noble
October 4th 11am PT - 8pm CET - Replay available

Marija Gimbutas' legacy : reclaiming our collective memory for peace and equality on Earth 

Why should we care about Marija Gimbutas, an archaeologist whose remarkable work spanned the second half of the 20th century? 


Vicki Noble will be very eager to share with you :

  • The urgency of bringing Marija Gimbutas' prescient and oracular work for our turbulent times.

  • The relevance of remembering (and re-membering) another way of living with ancient values of peace, cooperation and care.

  • The passion she has for this amazing woman who provided not only a corrected historic lens on today's crisis, but a spiritual one.

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A Free Webinar with Vicki Noble

Marija Gimbutas' legacy : reclaiming our collective memory for peace and equality on Earth 

Why should we care about Marija Gimbutas, an archaeologist whose remarkable work spanned the second half of the 20th century? 

October 4th @ 11am PT - 20pm CET
Replay available


Vicki Noble will be very eager to share with you :

  • The urgency of bringing Marija Gimbutas' prescient and oracular work for our turbulent times.

  • The relevance of remembering (and re-membering) another way of living with ancient values of peace, cooperation and care.

  • The passion she has for this amazing woman who provided not only a corrected historic lens on today's crisis, but a spiritual one.

Sign me up!


Vicki Noble is a radical feminist healer, author, independent scholar and wisdom teacher. Born in 1947 and raised in Iowa, she awakened to the Goddess and Women's Spirituality on her arrival in Berkeley, CA in 1976. Through a shamanic healing crisis, she opened psychically to the healing, art, yoga and divination processes that led to the co-creation of the Motherpeace tarot images. 

Since then she has written numerous books, including Motherpeace (1983), Shakti Woman (1991), Ritual and Practices with the Motherpeace Tarot (1998/2003), and the Double Goddess (2003). With Miriam Robbins Dexter, she recently co-edited an anthology, Foremothers of the Women's Spirituality Movement: Elders and Visionaries (2015).

Vicki has developed a powerful public ritual healing process, in which participants perform hands-on healing in the context of drumming and chanting.

She teaches and lectures internationally, and has led tours of women on pilgrimage to sacred Goddess sites around the world. She taught for two decades in Women's Spirituality Masters Programs at CIIS and New College in San Francisco, and finally at ITP/Sophia University in Palo Alto,CA.

Since 2006, much of her time has been spent teaching regularly in Italy, where most of her books have been published in Italian and she has developed a following of women who study and practice her adapted Tibetan Buddist Dakini practices.

Vicki is a professional astrologer with a focus on Goddess archetypes and healing for individuals or couples. In her readings (on phone, zoom, or in person) she utilizes natal, transit, and progressed charts.

As a mentor to women, Vicki facilitates private tutorials in Santa Cruz, California, for those interested in teachings and practices of Goddess spirituality, Motherpeace Certification, Matriarchal Studies, and Female Empowerment. Since 2001, she has adapted and customized Tibetan Buddhist Dakini practices for her students of Goddess spirituality, who come for three to five days of intensive one-on-one learning.

Vicki lives in Santa Cruz near her daughters (Robyn and Brooke) and son Aaron (the subject of her 1994 book, Down is Up for Aaron Eagle), plus three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. When she isn't working or babysitting, she watches whales in the Monterey Bay, gardens, and keeps bees.


Artwork by Marie Jozan

About Wise Woman of the World


Wise Women of the World is an intergenerational project Claire Jozan-Meisel imagined a couple of years ago and birthed with the support of Vanina Grisoni.

Its goal is to give a voice to some foremothers of feminine spirituality and spread their wisdom widely through online platforms, thus allowing the youngest to receive teachings from elders across the globe. Universal knowledge through the eyes of females experience is what WWW is gifting the world.

Blessed be!