Are you aware that ancient feminine wisdom can help you live and thrive today?


Are you ready to walk a beauty path for yourself and the family of Life?


I am ready to walk a path of beauty and power

Are you aware that ancient feminine wisdom can help you live and thrive today?


Are you ready to walk a beauty path for yourself and the family of Life?


I am ready to walk a path of beauty and power

Did you know that White Buffalo Woman is an Earth goddess and a spiritual shaman who has been here since the beginning of our beautiful planet?

Are you aware that her wisdom can support you in this challenging time?

Are you eager to have:

  • A good and thriving life for yourself, AND 
  • To be a responsible steward for Earth & All Our Relations?

Have you heard about her ancient teaching about our Oneness with all things?

And the fact that it is now echoed by quantum physics, and has profound implications for how we live our daily lives

Introducing you to:



Making it real for the Modern Woman!

A 6-week course with Brooke Medicine Eagle


Become one of the wisdom women who are so needed in this critical time on Earth.

In this turbulent time on Mother Earth, native indigenous wisdom is a vital key for the continuation of human life. Brooke Medicine Eagle’s intention is to make White Buffalo Woman’s wise ways available so that you can use and benefit from them, as you walk an empowered beauty path for yourself and the family of Life.

Become one of the wisdom women who are so needed in this critical time on Earth.

In this turbulent time on Mother Earth, native indigenous wisdom is a vital key for the continuation of human life. Brooke Medicine Eagle’s intention is to make White Buffalo Woman’s wise ways available so that you can use and benefit from them, as you walk an empowered beauty path for yourself and the family of Life.

Your indigenous Elder will be enriching and deepening your understanding and capabilities by addressing White Buffalo Woman’s ways in relation to areas of living which will profit  you greatly:

Your beneficial and vital connection to source will be enhanced for profound guidance and ability to manifest your dreams.

You will dive into the White Buffalo Woman’s story and offering: the sacred pipe and deeper and ecological teachings will ground you in the context of this eternal and present wisdom.

You will learn about the deeper level of who you are as a woman and how to stand in beneficial Feminine power.

You will enhance your spiritual and physical health and ability to serve the world at a deeper level, by receiving the transmission of women’s blood mysteries and magic.

You will find hacks to increase your brain power and use your full potential, by delving into the higher Intelligence of the ancient, ‘shaman’s brain’ we all carry.

You will gain a new and deeper understanding of wholeness, holiness and the healing transformation of love and communion that you will be able to carry in your daily life.

You will learn simple yet powerful prayers for the Earth & All Our Relations.

You will have the honor to attend a White Buffalo Woman’s special ceremony with the sacred pipe as final offering to manifest your highest dreams.

You will be given guidance on how to take your new knowledge and this wisdom, and embody it into this world.

I’m so proud of you for what you are offering to women in such a good way. Our coming together is not about race or religion, but about being all that we can be and offering the best of our womb-en magic to the world. I appreciate you offering vital and profound information to the women of our community – it’s so important that we learn and deepen our experience of health and well-being, spiritual development, and feminine leadership in this critical time of Mother Earth – a time of the ARISING FEMININE!!! Blessed be… 

- GD

Trust me when I say, Brooke is one of the good ones out there and a true blessing is brought to all who have worked with her, sponsored her and beyond. I know this lady from many journeys, and she always brings joy and healing to her work. In working with her and bringing her work to life in your community, you support the power of goodness for yourself and so many others. 

- Charla H.


  • In this series you will be offered wisdom for living well in these challenging times.
  • You will spend beneficial, live time with a wise and vibrant indigenous elder.
  • You will participate in learning, discussion, shamanic journeys, singing, drumming, and ceremony.
  • Brooke Medicine Eagle wants there to be discussion and sharing, so we can benefit from the highest intelligence the group can offer. 
  • Come with your highest intention in mind, because BROOKE’S ENERGY WILL MOVE YOU and you want to be pointed in the right direction!

You have the strong loving support of people who have listened to your wisdom, know you speak truth and from the heart. You have always shared enlightened wisdom that has affirmed and directed many of us onto the path that we ALL must take which is down the road of the Divine Feminine. We, here in Santa Cruz, value your teachings and bless you with gratitude for your courage and service to us, humanity and Mother Earth.   Ho! 

- Donna W.

Your message is so apt for these times: we all have to wake up to our indigenous nature and understand that we are all children of the Earth no matter who our ancestors are. I am so pleased that you are taking your teachings across the globe and you are being embraced by love wherever you travel… long may it continue. Sending love from under the yew in Wales!

- Emma

I have followed you for thirty years and still have recordings of your talks. You have been part of who I am today, and I thank you for the guidance you gave me. I love you.

- Karen F.

Your warmhearted teaching about the old wisdom is healing for us and Mother Earth. You combine clearness and strength with love and happiness. I am happy to walk this way in beauty and the freedom of our heart. 

- Arinya B.


Brooke Medicine Eagle is a legendary indigenous Earthkeeper, wisdom teacher, women's mysteries carrier, healing and shamanic practitioner, visionary, singer/songwriter, ceremonialist, sacred ecologist and catalyst for wholeness.

She is the author of the American literary classic, Buffalo Woman Comes Singing, and of The Last Ghost Dance. Her music recordings, teachings, writings, and wilderness spiritual retreats have touched the hearts and minds of people world-wide

Her current focus is on health and empowerment for women. Decades ago, she brought forward ancient, indigenous traditional ways of moontime and women’s mysteries; and continues to feel strongly about the importance of this menstrual practice for women’s health, spirit, leadership and service to the world.

Her work with White Buffalo Woman gives foundation to the power and magic of the Feminine. Her offerings on the ancient brain are remarkably empowering and supportive of your well-being. 

She will continue to travel internationally to support the birthing of a new human paradigm of peace, harmony, and sustainable living ~ enjoying the experience of being a Gaian citizen.

I have been inspired by Brooke Medicine Eagle's teachings for over 20 years. What she offers is universal knowledge which sadly has been lost over the centuries. This knowledge varies according to the traditions but remains the same in essence. Knowledge belongs to humanity. Thank you, Brooke, for helping us reclaim and remember it in our daily lives. 

- CJ

She is one of the most incredible women of our time... She has served all women of all races and creeds with a pure heart, and understanding, her love of all creatures great and small is legend... She has traveled the world over gaining wisdom and knowledge that she is ever willing to share... There are absolutely no negatives... Go forth and teach my dear friend to the lucky ones who can and will join you…

- Maria T.