Ancient wisdom to heal our modern time
Do you know the actual history of our evolution on this planet?
Are you aware that women were at the center of the very long development of human culture and civilization?
Patriarchyā€”although a recent (5000-year-old) phenomenonā€”has been effective globally in the way that a virus isā€”spreading everywhere through conquest and replication, erasing the universal language of the Goddess from the foreground and colonizing minds and bodies.
But deep in the center of our psyches, we remember and we can tap into the ancient experience of peace and sustainability that is our birthright.
An investigative journey
with Vicki Noble MA
We are living in highly turbulent times. We are desperate for hope and a new paradigm.
The voluminous work of Lithuanian archaeologist, Marija Gimbutas, has been a foundational guide in the vibrant scholarly and spiritual work of Vicki Noble for four decades.
Gimbutas was revered in feminist spirituality circles and independent audiences but reviled by the British and American archaeological establishments to this day.
Recent DNA studies have overturned the status quo and shown that the theories of Gimbutas—so long considered “controversial”—are unequivocally proven to be true: What she understood through the brilliance of her archaeology, linguistics, folk, and prehistory studies, DNA evidence has now corroborated and confirmed.
JOIN NOW!You are invited to embark on a life-changing intellectual journey with Scholar and Wise Woman Vicki Noble, who invites you to take a deep dive with her into the groundbreaking and revolutionary work of Gimbutas — its importance to us then and now.
On this journey, you will:

Understand how intuition, caring, nurturing, good relationship, and renewal of life were the underlying values of the earliest and most successful civilization ever created on this planet

Realize that degraded masculine values and behaviors have brought us to the brink of extinction

Understand how women’s governance and spiritual leadership made long-term peace and sustainability possible, even as populations increased exponentially

Discover ways of bringing our world back into balance based on the model of Old Europe and the egalitarian Danube Culture

Modify your outlook on female authority in society and reassess your own life in regard to this contemporary challenge

Align your true nature with your professional and personal skills to envision and create new (ancient) imprints on earth.

Commit to a manifestation of this vision in real life right now as an antidote to the hopelessness and helplessness felt by so many in this time.

I commend Vicki Noble to any person interested in healing the deep spiritual as well as ecological wounds of our time. It is important to heal ourselves and our earth through the connection to the ancient but ever-present shamanic forces. Vicki Noble’s dedication to this cause teaches that the healing power of the Goddess is within ourselves. She offers us hope.
- Marija Gimbutas, May 5, 1990

Meeting Vicki Noble was transformational in my life and I would recommend her course to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of feminine wisdom, history, and culture.
- Marisa Tomei, Oscar-winning actress

Vicki Noble has been researching the ancient wisdom of the Goddess culture for decades. She is one of the most esteemed scholars in the realm of women’s spirituality. She spent precious time with Marija Gimbutas and has been dedicated to keeping her work alive…in a world that needs it now more than ever. Don’t miss this rare opportunity!
- Jennifer Berezan, Visionary singer-songwriter, producer, activist
To guide you on this journey, Vicki Noble will synthesize and bring forward the evidence-based theories and interdisciplinary concepts of Marija Gimbutas into the present day, examining their relevance for us at this moment in the face of the existential crisis in which we find ourselves.
Are you ready to imagine and reclaim the “civilization of the Goddess”? Knowing that we have mainly lived in peace on Earth makes it possible to visualize peace and equality in our future. Knowing that the Earth has truly unlimited regenerative capacities means that literally, anything might be possible!
The sacred and magical roles women once performed can be an inspiration to transpose this vision to our modern life through our unified will.

Through this journey, Vicki will uncover a holistic model of human values, behaviors, and social organization that could potentially save the future of life on this planet.
Do you feel called to reclaim your roots and be awakened to real possibility?
Let us take back our powers and recreate the template for a loving and sustainable society for our children’s children!
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Vicki Noble combines decades of scholarly work on ancient Goddess cultures with the ability to convey information in an engaging and empowering manner. This course will be an opportunity to delve into the mysteries with an expert, sensitive guide.
- Starhawk, Author

Vicki Noble has spent her life devoted to unveiling, writing and teaching about women's spiritual history. As long as I have known Vicki, she has honored and promoted the pioneering research of our Lithuanian foremother, Marija Gimbutas. Gimbutas' groundbreaking work has ancient and contemporary relevance all over the globe. What an extraordinary opportunity to study with Vicki and to learn about the rich legacy of authentic Goddess pre-history that Gimbutas left for us to reclaim and to understand our place in the evolving world today!
- Laura Amazzone, Author of Goddess Durga and Sacred Female Power
Here is what is covered in the course :

Lesson 1: She Rocked Our World: Introduction to the Course
- Activate your intuition and cellular memory
- See yourself in the mirror of sacred female embodiment

Lesson 2: The Great Wheel of Natural Law: Birth, Death, and Regeneration
- Ground yourself in a deeper understanding of cyclic time
- Learn how we are held inside the Living Mandala

Lesson 3: Original Agriculture: Sustainable, Healthy, and Sacred
- Reclaim agriculture as a sustainable, sacred way of life
- Gain a somatic understanding of elemental reciprocity

Lesson 4: Goddess Temples of Old Europe: “Art, craft, and religion were one.”
- Develop an appreciation of textiles, baking & pottery as sacred transformative processes
- Gain real knowledge of collective (spiritual & temporal) female leadership

Lesson 5: Mother-Kinship System: Matriarchy & the Maternal Gift Economy
- Learn to differentiate matristic, matrilineal, matrifocal, and matriarchal concepts
- Integrate: Collective female governance = best interest of the most (giving to needs)

Lesson 6: “Collision of Cultures”: Indo-European Invasions, Conquest, &
Invention of War
- Understand how male domination ruined everything & erased prehistory (her-story)
- Track the 2000+ years of resistance & dispersal of the Old European civilization

Lesson 7: Goddess Underground: A Continuous Substratum of Ritual & Memory
- Envision a Goddess-based approach to solving our current crises
- Integrate women-centered values in order to apply Goddess-culture solutions to seemingly impossible problems

Vicki Noble is a brilliant feminist polymath whose knowledge of the deep alternative culture of women is broad, stimulating, and accessible. She has a large following in the matriarchal studies and Maternal Gift Economy movements. Many of her friends lovingly call her ‘Vickipedia.’ Her discussion of Maria Gimbutas and Matriarchal society in Neolithic Europe is a must for women and men who want to understand what is wrong with our world today and what to do about it.
- Genevieve Vaughan, Philosopher, philanthropist, and founder of the Maternal Gift Economy

Vicki Noble's scholarship, her deep understanding of female agency—and her vastly creative approach to everything—makes her the perfect person to transmit the transformative, life-changing work of Marija Gimbutas. As we sit on the precipice of life-threatening global war and warming, we need to be guided and reminded of our brilliant herstory to know that we can continue to understand who we are and make a difference.
- Krissy Keefer, Founder-Director of Dance Brigade,

Throughout the years, Ms. Noble has given outstanding evidence of creative leadership with the Bay Area women’s community. She is highly regarded and respected for transforming ideas into concrete enterprises. She is serious of intent in being of genuine aid to the community—a person of solid values, character, and initiative. I can recommend her to you with the utmost confidence.
- Clayton E. Carlson, publisher HarperCollins
Vicki Noble is a radical feminist healer, author, independent scholar and wisdom teacher. Born in 1947 and raised in Iowa, she awakened to the Goddess and Women's Spirituality on her arrival in Berkeley, CA in 1976. Through a shamanic healing crisis, she opened psychically to the healing, art, yoga and divination processes that led to the co-creation of the Motherpeace tarot images.
Since then she has written numerous books, including Motherpeace (1983), Shakti Woman (1991), Ritual and Practices with the Motherpeace Tarot (1998/2003), and the Double Goddess (2003). With Miriam Robbins Dexter, she recently co-edited an anthology, Foremothers of the Women's Spirituality Movement: Elders and Visionaries (2015).
Vicki has developed a powerful public ritual healing process, in which participants perform hands-on healing in the context of drumming and chanting.

She teaches and lectures internationally, and has led tours of women on pilgrimage to sacred Goddess sites around the world. She taught for two decades in Women's Spirituality Masters Programs at CIIS and New College in San Francisco, and finally at ITP/Sophia University in Palo Alto,CA.
Since 2006, much of her time has been spent teaching regularly in Italy, where most of her books have been published in Italian and she has developed a following of women who study and practice her adapted Tibetan Buddist Dakini practices.
Vicki is a professional astrologer with a focus on Goddess archetypes and healing for individuals or couples. In her readings (on phone, zoom, or in person) she utilizes natal, transit, and progressed charts.
As a mentor to women, Vicki facilitates private tutorials in Santa Cruz, California, for those interested in teachings and practices of Goddess spirituality, Motherpeace Certification, Matriarchal Studies, and Female Empowerment. Since 2001, she has adapted and customized Tibetan Buddhist Dakini practices for her students of Goddess spirituality, who come for three to five days of intensive one-on-one learning.
Vicki lives in Santa Cruz near her daughters (Robyn and Brooke) and son Aaron (the subject of her 1994 book, Down is Up for Aaron Eagle), plus three grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. When she isn't working or babysitting, she watches whales in the Monterey Bay, gardens, and keeps bees.

Artwork by Marie Jozan
About Wise Woman of the World
Wise Women of the World is an intergenerational project Claire Jozan-Meisel imagined a couple of years ago and birthed with the support of Vanina Grisoni.
Its goal is to give a voice to some foremothers of feminine spirituality and spread their wisdom widely through online platforms, thus allowing the youngest to receive teachings from elders across the globe. Universal knowledge through the eyes of females experience is what WWW is gifting the world.
Blessed be!
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